ICTUpdate 85: Applications for Agriculture
A selection of interesting websites, online platforms and literature on web-based and mobile applications for agriculture in the context of developing countries.
As the digital springboard for inclusive agriculture, ICT4Ag aims to keep policy makers, extension service providers, agricultural researchers, farmers and farmer organisations up-to-date on emerging ICT innovations. This initiative of CTA supports stakeholders to identify viable ICT solutions to address agricultural challenges. With ICT4Ag, CTA facilitates the co-creation of new ICT4Ag applications and provides platforms for discussions with policy-makers. The Apps4Ag database is part of the ICT4Ag initiative. You can join the ICT4Ag Dgroups or subscribe to the mailing list on the website.
AppsAfrica.com is a pan-African technology news portal and advisory service, dedicated to delivering the latest insight on mobile, tech and innovation in Africa. It organises the AppsAfrica.com Innovation Awards to celebrate the best in mobile and tech from across Africa. The organisers are now accepting entries with the deadline on 8 September 2017.
Mobile Ecosystem Forum
The Mobile Ecosystem Forum is a global trade body that acts as an impartial and authoritative platform that addresses issues affecting the broadening mobile ecosystem. Its members get access to a global and cross-sector platform for networking, collaboration and advancing industry solutions. The goal is to accelerate the growth of a sustainable mobile ecosystem that drives inclusion for all and delivers trusted services. Insights are shared with the public through official reports and a blog. It has chapters across Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Latin and North America.
Research ICT Africa
Research ICT Africa consists of a network of researchers in 20 African countries. It conducts public-interest research on ICT and mobile application policy and regulation. It provides African researchers, governments, regulators, operators, multilateral institutions, development agencies, community organisations and trade unions with the information and analysis required to develop innovative and appropriate policies, effective implementation and successful network operations that can contribute to sustainable development.
Working with mobile operators
“Opening Doors: A start-up’s guide to working with mobile operators in emerging markets” is the title of a guide that aims at start-ups interested in collaborating with mobile operators in emerging markets. The GSMA Ecosystem Accelerator programme and Match-Maker Ventures teamed up to produce this guide, which is about the process of securing a partnership with a mobile operator. Engaging with a mobile operator and building a partnership is a journey, and this guide has identified four main stages of this journey: understanding the industry, understanding the market, pitching, and making the collaboration work.
PitchIT Caribbean
PitchIT Caribbean is a two-tiered partnership approach to support growth-oriented mobile app business in the Caribbean. It is part of the Caribbean Mobile Innovation Project (CMIP), which is part of the Entrepreneurship Program for Innovation in the Caribbean (EPIC) and is executed by the University of the West Indies Consortium. PitchIT Caribbean is designed to strengthen the Caribbean mobile innovation ecosystem and enable sustainable and competitive mobile enterprises to grow through activities that will target early stage innovators and guide them to market readiness.
e-Agriculture Global Community
e-Agriculture is a global community of practice that facilitates dialogue, information exchange and sharing of ideas related to the use of ICTs for sustainable agriculture and rural development. As an e-Agriculture member you can contribute blogs and participate in forum discussions. e-Agriculture global community is made up of over 12,000 members from 170 countries and territories, members are information and communication specialists, researchers, farmers, students, policy makers, business people, development practitioners, and others. They have a common interest of improving policies and processes around the use of ICTs and mobile applications in support of agriculture and rural development, in order to have a positive impact on rural livelihoods.
Report: mobile apps for agriculture
Although this World Bank report is from 2012 it still is a worthwhile resource on mobile applications and its impact on agriculture. The report, titled “Mobile Applications for Agriculture and Rural Development”, reviews country examples and extracts policy lessons and good practices. It also presents detailed studies of cases from Kenya, Philippines, and Sri Lanka, as well as summarises 92 case studies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the development impact, ecosystem, and business models for mobile applications in agriculture and rural development. One of the main findings is that an enabling platform can facilitate interactions among ecosystem players, increase access to users, provide technical standards, and incorporate payment mechanisms.

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