L’omniprésence des TIC, en particulier les technologies mobiles, transforme visiblement la façon dont les personnes et les institutions échangent des informations et interagissent. Pourtant les populations rurales des pays en développement, en particulier les millions de petits exploitants agricoles, ne bénéficient que très faiblement des possibilités liées à l’adoption et à l’utilisation de ces nouvelles technologies. La solution pour accélérer l’adoption des TIC, surtout par le biais des appareils mobiles, par les petits exploitants présente deux composantes : d’abord, veiller à ce que les agriculteurs soient sensibilisés aux avantages de l’utilisation de ces applications sur leurs appareils ; ensuite, s’assurer que ces exploitants soient en mesure de bénéficier de la pénétration de l’internet dans les zones rurales. Ces deux composantes sont indispensables pour améliorer l’efficience de la production et de la commercialisation, ainsi que l’efficacité des activités et des moyens de subsistance des agriculteurs.
Dans ce numéro
IT solutions are disruptive: they change the way things are working
Interview with Martin Njeru, the Account Director for Cojengo in the East Africa region.
Creating ICT opportunities with the apps4ag database
par Benjamin Addom
In ICT Update and on websites as ICT4D, CTA has covered the explosive growth and proliferation of digital and mobile phone technologies for agriculture. Now CTA takes the next step with developing the Apps4Ag database, a comprehensive, up-to-date and responsive database of ICTs including mobile, web, animation, audio, and video applications involved in the food value chains.
A selection of interesting websites, online platforms and literature on web-based and mobile applications for agriculture in the context of developing countries.
Meet the Apps4Ag database
The Apps4Ag database is developed by CTA and is an online collection of over 500 applications, which provides new ways to find and discover worldwide ICT innovations for agriculture. How can you make the most of this database on www.apps4ag.org?
What is in the Apps4Ag database?
The Apps4Ag database has over 500 online and mobile applications and services for stakeholders in the food value chain. ICT Update gives you an insight what users from farmers, traders, researchers and decision-makers can find in the database.
Facilitating change in agricultural value chains with app services
Investment in mobile agricultural services is likely to be most effective where the technology is integrated into specific systems and organisational routines that are developed by new or established local innovators. They are the drivers for developing new processes and new networks on the ground that promote scale efficiencies along the value chain.
Four building stones for a vibrant ICT environment
par Serge Kedja
A vibrant enabling environment is vital for creativity, stimulus and optimism on which ICT4Ag initiatives can generate impact. Developers and innovators have to learn from cases, either successful or not, when it comes to the environments or contexts where they have been deployed. There are four areas on which an enabling environment depends.
Investing in the ICT4Ag application space
par Christian Merz
ICT4Ag models in the developing world are proliferating. Yet most players are not yet translating momentum into impact at scale. Despite the growth of opportunities, a very small proportion of the global ICT4Ag funding targets smallholder farmers in developing countries. Rethinking strategic approaches for ICT4Ag funding can change this.
Dans ICT Update et sur des sites web comme ICT4D, le CTA a déjà traité de la croissance et de la diffusion explosives des technologies numériques et mobiles appliquées à l’agriculture. Le CTA passe maintenant au stade suivant en développant Apps4Ag, une base de données complète, actualisée et adaptable, consacrée aux TIC, telles que les applications mobiles et web fondées sur l’animation, l’audio et la vidéo, qui concernent les chaînes de valeur agricoles.